Benefit from our expertise in the deployment of ERP solutions
We develop and we implement business solutions specifically tailored to your business which are fully integrated with SAP Business One (the list below is not exhaustive):

BSS-Education is a solution used by training companies or schools: management of resources (teachers, facilities, equipment, …), schedule management, management of all students …

BSS-Gestnet is an interactive solution for managing your mobile employees (exchange of information between your managers using SAP Business One and employees working outside), planning, timesheet, leave requests, expense reports, customer information, …)

With BSS-IT-Production, our goal is to achieve your digital transition while taking into account your objectives to improve your production quality while increasing your productivity

Do you have a retail, food, entertainment, beverage business? Your needs are specific and we have the solution to meet them!
With BSS-Point of sale We are committed to offering you, in addition to the skills of our SAP Business One ERP, a fully integrated product that offers …

We know that the specific needs of your supply chain need to be fully integrated into your digital transformation.
This is why BSS-Pharmais committed to providing you, integrated with our SAP Business One ERP, the logistics management you need …

Does your company take care of window cleaning, restaurant cleaning, office cleaning, post-construction cleaning and so on? Do your workers have to organize themselves to clean a customer’s desks before the employees arrive, while arriving on time to clean the restaurant next door with enough produce? Thanks to BSS Industrial cleaning, everything becomes easier!

Do you have specific needs in your import and export sector? Then you have come to the right place.
We are committed to offering you, in addition to the skills of our SAP Business One ERP, BSS-Import / Export, an integrated product that offers …

Is your goal to provide your customers with goods and services at the right time and in the right place with a competitive price while improving your productivity and profitability but at the same time also lowering your operational costs?
BSS Wholesale Distributionis an integrated product that offers …

Do you need a product that links offices to construction sites? Site management, delays, workers, machines to use, let us make your life easier!
We are committed to offering you, in addition to the skills of our SAP Business One ERP,BSS-Construction, an integrated product that offers …

As a brewery you are often called upon to make decisions in order to optimize your productivity and profitability as well as meet the needs of your customers. Good news, SAP Business One meets your needs.
We are committed to offering you, in addition to BSS-Brewery, an integrated product that offers …

We know that the specific needs of your supply chain need to be fully integrated into your digital transformation.
This is why BSS-IT is committed to providing you, integrated with our ERP SAP Business One, the logistics management you need,BSS-Food-Industry.
Business Solutions
BSS-Point of Sale
BSS-Industrial Cleaning
BSS-Import / Export
BSS-Wholesale Distribution
BSS-Food industry
Business Solutions
SAP Business One version 10.0x
SAP Business One version HANA
SAP Business One Mobile Applications
SAP Business One Version Cloud
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